Herbal Medicine for Diabetic Neuropathic Pain
Causes of Diabetic Neuropathic Pain
Having high blood glucose over a long period of time can weaken the nerve cells and cause them to signal false sensations such as tingling, numbness or burning. These symptoms usually occur in the legs and feet, but some people may experience them in the arms and hands as well. You might be at risk of developing diabetic neuropathic symptoms if you fall into one of the following categories:
1. You have had diabetes for more than 25 years.
2. You are overweight.
3. You smoke or regularly consume alcohol beverages.
4. You have close family members who suffer from nerve diseases.
Native to northern Europe, bilberry is also known as huckleberry. It contains antioxidants called "anthocyanidins," which can strengthen blood vessels, improve circulation and therefore prevent nerve cell damage. In addition, researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center have also found that bilberry has the potential to lower blood sugar. Make sure you consult with your doctor before taking bilberry supplements. The use of bilberry extract with some diabetes medications may lead to hypoglycemia or extremely low blood sugar.
A resinous substance in cayenne peppers called "capsaicin" can help relieve diabetic nerve pain by reducing chemicals in the nerve cells that signal the tingling or burning sensation. Apply capsaicin cream directly to the areas that experience pain. Wash your hands with soap after touching the cream; it can cause severe burning if your eyes or face come into contact with it. To be safe, you should wear disposable gloves while handling it.
Evening Primrose Oil
The gamma-linolenic acid in evening primrose oil has been proven to prevent and reverse nerve damage in diabetic patients. According to the August 1993 issue of "Prevention," in Finland, 54 diabetic participants with mild nerve damage took 480 mg of evening primrose oil daily. After six months, they received several neurological tests to measure their flexibility, muscle strength and nerve sensitivity. It turned out that all 54 patients showed improvement in every measure.
Tips on Buying Herbs for Diabetes
Everyone's body and condition are different. Don't take certain herbal supplements just because they worked for your friends or family members. The best thing to do before using any herbs is to discuss your condition and individual needs with your doctor. In addition, herbs for diabetes are available at many places from local pharmacies, natural food stores to commercial websites. Do thorough research and compare prices of the herbs you want to purchase. A higher price does not always mean a better quality.