Herbs for Psoriatic Arthritis
Herbs for Psoriasis
Juniper (Juniperus communis) has been used in folk remedies for many different purposes including indigestion, kidney disease, and skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Its essential oil form can be rubbed into arthritic joints as well to relieve achiness. Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) has been used for many different skin disorders such as nettle rash, boils, and psoriasis. Purchase the soft leaves of the herb, steam them, and then put them directly on the skin irritation. You can also drink a decoction of Yellow Dock mixed with liver cleansers like Milk Thistle to remove toxins from your body and improve your skin's ability to heal.
Herbs for Arthritis
Cat's Claw is a popular herbal remedy in South America that has been used as an alternative treatment for cancer, HIV, and arthritis. Take a 250 milligram dose of the standardized extract of Cat's Claw twice a day in between meals in the form of a tablet. This will help to reduce both inflammation and pain. Ginger can have similar effects in the form of a tea or a 100 milligram tablet three times per day. Pain can be brought under control with a topical cream made from cayenne. Cayenne is made from the tropical pepper and may cause a mild burning sensation when it is applied. Avoid touching your eyes after application. Boswellia (Frankincense) is an Indian herb used in Ayurvedic medicine that can relieve the inflammation of arthritis. Take a 150 milligram dose of boswellic acid three times a day to reduce inflammation.
Herbs for Inflammation
Inflammation can be relieved by either adding anti-inflammatory herbs to the problematic area or by using herbs that will increase circulation in that location. A combination of ground fenugreek and milk can relieve some of this inflammation using the first method. The steroidal saponins in the fenugreek target the inflammation and reduce it. Tumeric which is often used in Indian herbal medicine contains the substance curcumin, a known anti-inflammatory. You can find this herb in topical creams or in tablet form as curcumin extract. Use the cream on your inflammation or take a 400 milligram dose three times a day. Create an herbal tea to increase circulation with the following herbs: horsetail, burdock, centaury, and yucca. Mix them together and add one teaspoon of the mixture to a boiling cup of water. Let it seep for fifteen minutes, strain the herbs, and enjoy the tea three times a day.
Herbal remedies may cause allergic reactions or they may interact with any medications you may already be taking. Consult your doctor or an integrated medical practitioner to advise you on the herbs that are the best for you with your condition.
Where to Buy
You can buy most of these remedies on the Internet or at a natural foods store like Whole Foods. It is recommended that you go to a store in person to make sure you know exactly what you're getting. You may also be able to ask any questions you have to a knowledgeable employee.