Eastern Medicine for Liver Cleansing
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle has been used for centuries to treat liver problems. It is said to contain a flavonoid called silymarin which protects the liver from a variety of toxins and has been known to contain antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties. It is also said to help the liver grow new cells. Milk thistle is used to not only treat existing problems but keep the liver healthy and functioning at optimum levels and protected from developing problems in the future.
Dandelion Root
Dandelion root in used as a liver tonic. It contains high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin B complex, as well as zinc, iron and potassium. It is used as a diuretic which helps to increase the flow of urination, helping the liver to flush out toxins. Many diuretics deplete the body of vitamins and minerals but dandelion root actually replenishes the body, making sure there is enough potassium in the body for healthy kidney function.
Turmeric is used to cleanse, protect and support liver function. The liver is said to release toxins by creating bile. Turmeric is reported to increase the production of bile. It is used in Eastern medicine as a blood purifier and to promote a healthy digestive system. Turmeric is believed to protect the liver from harmful toxins in the same way that milk thistle can. It is also believed to be one of the strongest anti inflammatory spices.
Yellow Dock
Yellow dock is used in Eastern medicine to cleanse the body of toxins by cleansing and rejuvenating the liver and supporting a healthy digestive system. It is used to treat liver conditions such as jaundice and hepatitis. It is known as a blood cleanser and is also used to stimulate the production of bile. Yellow dock is also reported to help with treating a variety of skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
Gentian is a bitter herb that has been used as liver tonic and digestion aid for centuries in the east. It is reported to increase the production of bile and act as a stimulant for the liver to function well and the digestion system to work efficiently. It is used as a blood cleanser and is also used to improve circulation. It is also believed to be able to protect the liver from being affected by viruses.