Herbal Medicine Vs. Prescription Medicine
Generally, herbal medicines cost far less than prescription medicines. However, herbal medicines tend to be slightly weaker than prescription medicines, which increase their overall cost a little. In addition to needing a larger quantity of herbal medicines, some herbs can be expensive, driving the price up even more. Even with these slight increases, though, natural herbs tend to cost less than synthetic chemicals.
The general safety of prescription medications is very high, as long as they are used as directed. However, herbal and prescription medications can result in problems. What makes prescriptions so safe is that they are standardized and contain no random ingredients. Herbal medications can contain many impurities. From pesticides in the water to contamination in the soil, you never know just exactly what chemicals may be incorporated into the plant.
The overall results from herbal and prescription medicines can vary. However, prescription medicines are highly regulated and uniform. The medicine comes in an exact does with a specific potency. One of the biggest problems with herbal medicines is that their potency can vary wildly. Such a wide variety of conditions, such as weather and soil, can affect the actual potency of a plant that there is no way to keep each dose standardized. Herbal medicines also tend to be weaker than prescription medicines, making herbal medications produce results at a slower rate than prescription.
Side Effects
Herbal and prescription medicines run the risk of causing side effects, creating adverse interactions or allergic reactions. Prescription medicines have the potential of causing more sever side effects than herbal medicines because prescription medicines tend to be more potent than herbs. However, prescription medications tend to have better outlines and warning systems about potential problems than herbal medicines.
Environmental Impact
Although it may seem that herbal medicines are morarth friendly than prescription medicines, they're both potential hazards when produced irresponsibly. Herbal medicines require plants to be farmed and harvested. Done improperly, this can cause soil-depletion, overharvesting and loss of habitat. Prescription medicines can cause many forms of hazardous waste, suck up energy supplies and create trash with fancy packaging.