Alternative to Back Surgery

Back pain is a common problem many Americans suffer from. Causes range from simple overuse to severe injury. While surgery may be the only solution for some, others can find relief from many of the alternative therapies described below.
  1. Yoga for Back Pain

    • Yoga is a safe, gentle approach to back pain. Many yoga postures are designed to relieve tension in the spine and strengthen back muscles. Asanas, or postures, for the back include the seated spinal twist or lying spinal twist (supta mastyendrasana), seated or standing forward bend (uttanasana), boat pose (navasana), bridge pose (setu bandha sarvangasana), shoulder stand (salamba sarvangasana) and child's pose (balasana).

    Massage Therapy

    • Massage is one of the least invasive treatment options for back pain. According to research done by Dr. Daniel Cherkin, "massage may be the best approach for back pain." Scientific evidence continues to support massage therapy as an effective treatment for chronic back pain. More and more physicians are beginning to recommend this therapy as an alternative to surgery. Licensed massage therapists can be found just about everywhere. Look for the designation LMT.

    Chiropractic Adjustments

    • Chiropractic treatments specifically target the spine. The theory is that pain and illness are the result of impingements or compression in the spine. During a chiropractic treatment, the spine is manipulated or adjusted to relieve such compressions. According to the Mayo Clinic, "clinical trials indicate that chiropractic care is as safe and effective as conventional treatments." Chiropractors may also use heat, ice, massage and/or spinal decompression therapy as part of treatment.


    • Acupuncture is a part of an ancient system of medicine from China. The practitioner inserts fine needles into the skin to stimulate different lines of energy (meridians) throughout the body in order to relieve pain and facilitate healing. Although it has been used for thousands of years throughout Asia, it is still relatively new to the United States. A recent study done by the National Institutes of Health concluded that "acupuncture-like treatments were helpful for persons suffering from chronic back pain" and that it may even be "superior to best-practice medical care." When trying acupuncture for the first time, look for a licensed acupuncturist, with the designations LAc or OMD (Oriental Medical Doctor).

    Try a Combination

    • Many of the above alternative therapies are used in conjunction with one another. Many find benefit from receiving chiropractic adjustments along with massage therapy, or even chiropractic treatments which include acupuncture and/or acupressure. If concerned about surgery, and considering an alternative, try one or more of the above treatment options.

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