Foods Containing Lipoic Acid
Some animal proteins have been found to contain small amounts of lipoic acid. Red meat is the primary source of lipoic acid in animal products. However, those who are looking to boost their lipoic acid levels through diet should limit their intake from this category. Fatty red meat contains high levels of cholesterol, saturated fat and other elements that should not be ingested in large amounts.
Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale and chard, are all excellent sources of lipoic acid. Additionally, broccoli, carrots, beets and sweet potatoes all contain the antioxidant. Those who are attempting to raise their lipoic acid levels should focus the majority of their dietary changes on this group. Vegetable sources are low in fat and calories and are naturally cholesterol-free.
Lipoic acid is sold in the form of a dietary supplement in the United States. Research linked to these supplements is limited, and therefore experts don't really know how much is safe to ingest and whether lipoic acid supplements could be harmful. Research suggests that lipoic acid found naturally in food is always safe for healthy individuals.
Incorporating Lipoic Acid
If you're looking to raise your lipoic acid levels, it's easy to incorporate it into your diet by adding lipoic acid-rich foods to the equation. The American Cancer Society says that no safe, effective dosing guidelines have been established, but it would be very difficult to overdose on the antioxidant simply by eating more foods that contain it. As you grow older, you body makes less lipoic acid on its own, so you may want to focus more on increasing your intake as you age.
Some people use lipoic acid to inhibit the development and progression of cancer, as well as to decrease chemotherapy side effects. However, according to the American Cancer Society, there has been no conclusive evidence to support these treatments. Additionally, the society says too much lipoic acid could render radiation and chemotherapy treatments ineffective. In those cases, your doctor may order you to limit your intake of foods containing lipoic acid.