Herbal Plants Oils Used to Quit Smoking
Ginseng Root
Herbal smoking aids are becoming popular as people are becoming more desperate than ever to quit an unhealthy and costly habit. One product that is aiming to do that is called NicoDrops. NicoDrops are lozenges that contain ginseng root and is used to curb the nicotine craving very nicely. People who have used the product say that it calms their nerves in the process, which allows their body to become used to the lack of nicotine in their system. The first week users are recommended to use the lozenges every two hours. Every week you should lessen the dosage by adding one hour to the amount of time between lozenges. By the fourth week, only use them when your cravings are at their worst.
Black Spruce
Another effective stop smoking aid is called Smoke Deter. Smoke Deter uses a mixture of black spruce, monkshood, oats and poison nut. This mixture calms the nerves while controlling physical symptoms of coughing, shortness of breath and the thoughts of substituting food for the cigarettes. Smoke Deter comes in spray form that when you spray it into your mouth, its medication is released into your system, controlling your withdrawal symptoms. Whenever you have a craving, use one spray into the mouth to help curb your body's need for nicotine.
Lobelia extract has been one of the more popular herbal quit smoking aids used. Lobelia extract contains the active ingredient lobeline, which has been used for many years as a lung decongestant. Once your lungs are all cleared out, your body will actually no longer like the taste of cigarettes. You might become dizzy or nauseous if you decide to smoke while taking this herb. For this reason, lobelia extract is considered quite effective.
Valerian is another herb used to control withdrawal symptoms. It does this by relaxing your body which helps with insomnia, difficulty concentrating and sleeping problems. Valerian is used in many herbal supplements that aim to not only help curb cravings but abolish the urge to smoke all together.
St. John's Wart
St John's wart is used in many herbal smoking aids just like valerian. It is also used in treating depression symptoms, but is recommended not to be used by women who are either pregnant or are nursing. The herb has been known to slow down milk production.