Prostate - Herbs for Healing
Saw Palmetto
One of the most commonly used herbs to reduce prostate enlargement is saw palmetto, a berry derivative from the saw palmetto palm tree found in the southeastern U.S. The berry is believed to reduce prostate enlargement by inhibiting DHT (a growth-stimulating hormone) and encouraging DHT to be eliminated from the system, lowering chemical levels of estrogen.
Other Herbs
Stinging nettle is another common remedy, as is pygeum, derived from the African tree bark, which also reduces inflammation. Such products can be found in various forms in most natural food stores. Read instructions regarding use. Talk to your doctor first, as these remedies may affect the benefit or cause interactions with prescription medications. Mixing about 200 ml (about 6 ounces) of spinach juice into 300 ml (about 10 ounces) of carrot juice and drinking it every morning for three weeks is also known to be effective in alleviating symptoms of and reducing an enlarged prostate.
Red Clover Studies
Red clover is also beneficial for reducing inflammation of the prostate and encouraging prostate health. Red clover, in powder or natural form, contains antioxidants that slow growth and fight cancers. Studies performed by the American Association for Cancer Research determined that a supplement derived from red clover "causes early-stage prostate cancer cells to die in numbers five times greater than in an untreated control group.."