Red Clover Extract Information
Red clover's scientific name is Trifolium pratense, and its common names are trefoil, wild clover, meadow clover, purple clover, cow clover and bee-bread, states the Herb Wisdom website. Red clover contains isoflavones---believed to affect hormone synthesis and metabolism, reports their role cancer prevention is being studied in Asia. Red clover may also help fight AIDS, states the Alternative Nature Online Herbal website.
Red clover is used as an expectorant in treatment of bronchitis and asthma, and topically to treat wounds and other external injuries. Psoriasis and other skin conditions may also be improved by the use of red clover. Traditionally, red clover was used to treat premenstrual syndrome and menopause symptoms due to its "mild estrogen-like effect," mentions Herbs 2000. It also may lower cholesterol, improve blood circulation, help prevent osteoporosis, reduce the risk of blood clots and arterial plaques, and is a source of many nutrients, including vitamin C, states Herb Wisdom.
Capsules and tablets containing 2 to 4 g red clover leaf extract can be taken three times daily, reports, or consume one-half to 1 ounce of red clover leaf tincture three times a day for maximum benefits. Tea is useful for coughs and upset stomach---to 1 tablespoon of dry flowers or herb, add 1 cup boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes and sweeten to taste. Drink three times daily, suggests
Red clover is a perennial herb that is native to Europe and parts of Africa and Asia. It is also grown in North America and Australia. It produces stems as high as 2 feet and has reddish-purple fragrant flowers. Red clover blooms from April throughout the summer, states the Alternative Nature website. The leaves, seeds and flowers are often used in salads.
Possible red clover leaf side effects include headache, nausea and rash, states the All 4 Natural Health website. Talk to your health care provider before using any herbal remedy---particularly as a treatment for disease---or if you are taking any other medications. Do not use red clover leaf extract if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, and do not give it to children, because of its estrogen-like chemicals.