Bloodroot Benefits
Dental Analgesic
The key ingredient in bloodroot for use as a dental product is sanguinarine. This alkaloid provides a significant amount of antimicrobial activity and may be an ingredient in some herbal toothpastes and mouth rinses.
Bloodroot extract can also be used as a decongestant. The extract is dried and added to water and organic grapes for a drink. Bloodroot in small doses can also be found in some nasal sprays.
Mixed with other herbs, bloodroot can make an effective laxative. Those who take diuretics should not use bloodroot in high doses because this herb can interact negatively with other substances.
Nasal Ailments
Bloodroot is used to treat many ailments of the nose including nasal polyps, cancer, and fungal infections of the nose.
Depending on the specific ailment, bloodroot can be taken in an ointment, tea, wine or oral rinse product. Adults should limit doses to 10 drops of bloodroot or less per day if taken orally because of the risk of an upset stomach.