High Blood Pressure & Herbal Therapy
High blood pressure readings are generally considered anything over 140/90. The first number, called the systolic number, measures blood pressure while your heart is pumping. The second number, called the diastolic number, measures the pressure between beats. According to the American Heart Association, any reading over the 140/90 mark requires treatment.
In addition to adding herbal treatments to your lifestyle when treating high blood pressure, it also makes sense to look at the amount of salt consumed. Too much salt in the diet raises blood pressure. Generally speaking, most people consume too much salt, too little magnesium and too little potassium. Supplementing with magnesium is beneficial when treating high blood pressure. Take 1,000 mg a day in divided doses.
Omega-3 fatty acids should also be added to the diet by eating shellfish, fish and taking flaxseed. Omega-3 fatty acids have a anti-hypertensive effect.
Garlic is one of the best remedies for treating high blood pressure. Garlic is a heart healthy food along with being a heart healthy herb. For those who want to maintain a healthy blood pressure reading, eat one clove of garlic per day. It is preferred to eat the garlic raw or combined in a prepared meal. If you are experiencing higher blood pressure readings, more proactive action must be taken. You can get the potency you need to lower high blood pressure by taking capsules or tablets on a daily basis. Make sure you purchase garlic formulations that contain allicin, the active component in garlic that lowers blood pressure. Aim to take 8,000 mg in supplement form per day. You should experience results in a few months.
Hawthorn is a powerful herb when it comes to lowering blood pressure. The leaves, flowers and berries of the hawthorn tree have potent cardiovascular properties. Hawthorn mimics conventional medicines in its effectiveness, without the side effects. To treat high blood pressure look for hawthorn extract with a specific flavonoid called vitexin. In tincture form, take one tsp. of hawthorn in a glass of water three times a day. Do not take for more than a couple of weeks without medical supervision. It is also available in capsule form; take according to package directions.
Reishi are oriental mushrooms that have strong medicinal and blood pressure-lowering properties. You can find reishi in capsule form in health food stores. Look for formulas that are strong enough for you to take two to four capsules per day, or between 2,000 to 4,000 mg. You may take this dose indefinitely.