Herbs for Bronchial Asthma
Tincture made from the dried buds of the Grindelia (gum) plant can help to prevent bronchial spasms. It helps to relax the smooth muscles such as those found in the airways. It also is helpful as a bronchodilator, opening constricted bronchial tubes. The tincture is available in health food stores and from online sources. Take between 20 to 30 drops of the tincture two to three times a day.
Boswellia originates from a tree that produces a gummy type resin that is helpful in treating inflammation. Boswellia acts as a strong agent in treating an overactive immune system, often a culprit in asthma symptoms. It is a calming, soothing agent, and prevents buildup of congestion and phlegm in the respiratory system. In capsule form, take two or three 150 mg. capsules twice a day for six months or more. Look for products that contain at least 60 percent boswellic acids.
Gingko is considered a valuable aid in treating asthmatic symptoms. It succeeds in relaxing the smooth muscle of the lungs along with limiting inflammation. Take 40 mg. of gingko in capsule form two or three times a day, and see if you experience improvement in a month or so. If you have positive results, reduce the dosage to the lowest possible amount.
Green Tea
Green tea contains anti-inflammatory properties helpful in treating asthma. Drink one cup a day for optimal results. You can find loose, dried green tea in health food stores, or in tea bags from a variety of manufacturers. Make sure you steep either form of green tea for at least 10 minutes for maximum benefits. While green tea does contain caffeine, it has about half the amount as a typical cup of coffee.
As with any herbal treatment plan, consult with your physician regarding any possible medication interactions.