Herbs to Treat Allergies

Allergies are an abnormal reaction from your body to particles in the air. These particles are not bacterial based or a virus, but are everyday substances like pollens, dust, mold spores or dust mites to which your immune system reacts. Allergies can be treated in many ways, including antihistamines, decongestants or allergy shots, which can also have negative side effects. These methods can work well to temporarily relieve the symptom of allergies but they do not cure the underlying cause. Herbs to treat allergies are a natural way to relieve symptoms and keep the immune system strong.
  1. Helpful Herbs

    • There are many herbs that are very beneficial in building up your immune system as well as helping to relieve sinus pressure and other allergic reactions. Garlic, ginkgo, horseradish, stinging nettle, licorice and eucalyptus are the most commonly know herbs to prevent allergies.

      Ginkgo contains ginkgo biloba, which produces chemicals in the body that helps to prevent inflammation in the sinus area when particles enter the body. You can consume between 60-240 milligrams of a Ginkgo extract per day, which is important in reducing the pressure on the sinuses that causes runny nose and congestion.

      Horseradish is a spicy herb found in Japanese foods like wasabi. If you have a few teaspoons of horseradish every month, the spices will clean out your nasal passages.

      Stinging nettle helps to prevent fevers associated with allergies as well as cough, chest congestion, runny nose and bronchial constriction.

      Garlic has a high amount of quercetin which is an anti-oxidant that reduces inflammation of the nasal passage and should be implemented into your daily diet to get the total benefit of this herb.

      Licorice prevents inflammation and stimulates adrenals but should not be used for an extended period.

      Eucalyptus helps you to breathe easier by opening up the lungs so that your cells get more oxygen.

      Ephedra is a spice that works as an anti-inflammatory. Ephedrine is an ingredient in ephedra that works to treat hay fever and asthma, but the body can become immune to this ingredient if it is used over a long period of time.

      Herbs are a natural way to heal the body but pregnant women should not take herbs to treat allergies without talking to their doctor first. Herbs will work at its best to treat allergies when you have daily healthy eating habits.

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