Herbs for Numbness
Numbness Herbs
Numbness may be caused by a malfunctioning nervous system or a lack of nutrition and exercise. Before using these nervous system herbs, make sure to increase your exercise to 30 minutes per day and to take a B-complex vitamin and essential fatty acids. Try the exercise, vitamins and essential fatty acids for about two weeks. If your symptoms begin to decrease, you should continue the routine and monitor your symptoms every month. If you continue to improve, you may be able to go without herbal supplementation.
Two cups a day of a tea made from St. John's wort when in combination with lavender or skullcap can help to restore proper functioning of the nervous system and reduce nervous system inflammation. Vervain is a similar herb that can help with numbness and body spasms. Vervain can be found in the form of an ointment at natural food stores. Peppermint oil can help to stimulate numb areas of the body when used before bedtime. Try these treatments for up to three weeks to see if they decrease your numbness.
Numbness Homeopathic Remedies
If you have little luck with regular herbal remedies, you can try these herbal homeopathic remedies to decrease your symptoms. You can take a low-potency 12c (where c is equal to 100 times the normal homeopathic potency) dose of one of the following three remedies as often as you have symptoms. Aconite can be used when your body feels a heavy, numb and tingling sensation that gets worse when exposed to cold drafts and cold weather; you also may feel anxious, and your numbness may be accompanied by sudden pain. Colocynthis is used if you have numbness that follows spasms of pain; you also may feel restlessness and a worsening of symptoms when you are touched or in motion. Carbo vegitabilis should be used if you feel numbness in the parts of your body used for reclining and have icy cold limbs; if this remedy is right for you, you may bruise easily and feel exhausted and weak. Try the herb that is for symptoms that match your symptoms the most and use it for about a month to see if your numbness decreases.
Herbs for Circulation
Numbness also may be caused by a lack of circulation. Here are some herbs that can improve circulation and can bring oxygen to the parts of your body that may be lacking it. A combination of the three herbs Siberian ginseng, ginger root and gingko biloba has been used to enhance the circulatory system and increase energy. Try 300 milligrams of the ginseng, 250 milligrams of ginger and 120 milligrams of gingko extract once a day to reduce numbness. A tea made from the herb horsetail may help to increase your circulation by strengthening your arteries and veins. Take the tea twice a day when experiencing symptoms. Finally, you can make a circulatory compress from pulped horseradish and black mustard seeds. Mix them in a bowl and add a little water; then use a cloth to wrap the mixture around the numb area. A combination of these oral and topical remedies may help to restore feeling back to your numbed areas.