Dangerous Herbs That May Cause Memory Loss
Ma Huang-- A Dangerous Herb That Can Cause Memory Loss
While herbal treatments usually make you healthier, sometimes they can make you sick. One herb that can make you sick is ma huang. Ma huang is a dangerous herb that can make you sick and cause memory loss. Always educate yourself before you begin an herbal treatment and seriously consider consulting with your doctor.
The Law and Ma Huang
Ma huang, also known as herbal ecstasy, is a dangerous herb that can cause memory loss in humans. You may have heard of ma huang when Ephedra was legal in every state and a hot topic on the news. The United States keeps going back and forth on the legalization of supplements that contain it. In 2004 the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibited the sale of supplements that contain ma huang. Then in 2005, the FDA changed its mind and made it legal. This did not last long as four months after the relegalization of ma huang is was prohibited again. You can still buy products that contain ma huang on the Internet.
Ma Huang and Ephedra
Ma huang and ephedra are one and the same. The scientific name for ma huang is ephedra sinica. It is a shrub like plant that bears cones and grows to be over 30 cm tall. This species is native to China, as its name suggests, and thrives in sandy and rocky soils. There are also other species of ephedra other than ma huang. The stem is the portion of this herb that is used as an herbal remedy, while the extracted substance ephedrine is used in over-the-counter stimulants and diet pills. You can make a tea with ma huang or take it in capsules.
Ma Huang and Diet Pills
Ma huang is one of the plants that belong to the genus Ephedra. It is often sold as an active ingredient in diet pills along with caffeine, although it is safer to ingest it without caffeine. Ma huang does not actually cause weight loss but claims to assist overweight individuals with their weight loss goals because it is a stimulant and gives the user more energy than they would naturally have. These weight loss supplements are advertised as natural but that in no way makes them safe. Ma huang has adverse side effects, including elevated heart rates and blood pressure, psychosis and memory loss. It can also react negatively with other herbs or prescription drugs.
Adverse Effects
Ma huang has adverse side effects including elevated heart rates and blood pressure, psychosis and memory loss. It has been known to cause heart attacks in young and otherwise healthy people, including athletes. It can also react negatively with other herbs or prescription drugs.