Herbal Cures for Fibroids
Strengthening Your System
By strengthening the functioning of the liver you enable it to work more efficiently, increasing the chances that hormone levels are regulated appropriately within the body. A healthy liver also removes excess hormones and toxins from the body. Estrogen is one of the key factors when it comes to the rapid growth of fibroids, particularly during perimenopause, the time right before menopause. Reducing levels of estrogen in the body is important in impeding the growth of fibroids.
Herbs cannot completely remove fibroids, but they can assist with reducing estrogen levels.
Some herbs that are recommended to boost liver functioning, thereby reducing estrogen levels, are burdock, dandelion, yellow dock, red clover, cleavers, nettle, milk thistle, and vervain.
Herbal Tea
Make a tea using equal parts of the above dried herbs. Mix together well in a bowl. Take about one ounce of the mixture and place in a large pan or teakettle. You will need 1 quart of water. Boil, reduce heat, then steep for two hours. Strain, then drink. You may refrigerate this tea for later use. This remedy can be taken for four weeks, after which you will take a break. Do this procedure for three more cycles, and if you don't see improvement, speak with your physician or health practitioner.
In addition, there are many herbal preparations and supplements on the market that claim to shrink fibroids, ranging from nattokinase preparations (made from fermented soybeans) to strictly herbal supplements and tonics. Follow dosing instructions carefully and always purchase from a reputable source.
If you continue to be plagued with the troublesome symptoms of fibroids, consult your physician for other treatment options.