Diabetes Alternative Medicine
Implementing Diet and Exercise
With diabetes, there is a problem in the way the body produces or responds to insulin. In the case of Type 1, there is no production, and in Type 2, there is often too little production or not enough sensitivity to the insulin in the body. Insulin helps to break down sugar into energy, so without it, your body goes into starvation mode, feeding off of your muscles and causing weight loss, coma and death if not treated.
Implementing a proper diet and exercise is an important part of the alternative approach. You need a diet is lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein and fiber, which will help to stabilize blood sugar. You should also exercise regularly as this will help to shed extra pounds and can make a dramatic difference in the way that the body responds to insulin. Only after you have implemented a healthy diet and exercise in your life will you see the true benefits of any other alternative medicines or treatments.
Magnesium Supplements
Magnesium supplements have been studied for years as a potential alternative or complementary treatment of diabetes. The reason for this is that studies have shown that too little magnesium in the system is associated with abnormal insulin secretion in the body as well as complications for those who are already diabetic. Many patients insist they have better glucose control when they receive proper amounts of magnesium though a daily or other vitamin source.
Vanadium is a supplement taken by many with diabetes. It is made up from many plant sources. The benefit of Vanadium when you have type 2 diabetes is that it increases sensitivity to insulin, according to some studies. Increasing sensitivity to insulin can help many to return blood sugar levels to normal.
There are many herbs may help with the control of blood glucose and management of diabetes. These herbs include garlic, ginseng, hawthorn and nettle. There is no scientific evidence to back up the claim that these herbs will help to control blood glucose levels, but it may be worth a try as some report that their blood glucose levels are much more consistent when taking some or all of these herbs. Talk to your doctor about whether this is a safe option for you.