Herbs for the Adrenal Glands
Herbal remedies can cause allergic reactions and may react negatively with medications that you are taking. Consult your physician or an integrated medical practitioner to make sure that you will not be causing more harm than good by taking certain herbs. Take only recommended doses of each herb. Also, keep in mind that a healthy diet and exercise routine are part of any successful herbal or medical treatment.
Herbs to Avoid
Your first instinct, if one of your symptoms is fatigue, may be to take herbs that increase energy. Some herbs have similar properties to caffeine and can lift you up from your tiredness. These herbs include ephedra, the herbs in strong black teas, and cola nut. Unfortunately, these herbs simply make the problem worse and can cause more adrenal gland damage. Avoid these herbs and caffeine products altogether to start healing your adrenal glands.
Ginseng and Vitamins
Several herbs and vitamins can work together to improve the function of the adrenal system. Siberian ginseng is one of the most well-known adrenal gland herbs, as it has the ability to increase resistance to stress, rejuvenate adrenal function and regulate the production of neurotransmitters. Take a 100 milligram dose of the herb three times per day. The effectiveness of Siberian ginseng is improved by supplementing with vitamins B6, C, E pantothenic acid and magnesium. These vitamins help with the adrenal hormone cascade system and can be found in most multivitamins.
Soothing the Body
Overactive adrenal glands can lead to the negative symptoms of stress. Some herbs can soothe the stressed-out body. Chamomile serves a double purpose as it can calm the body and contains tryptophan, which can increase levels of the positive brain chemical serotonin. Have two to three cups of chamomile tea a day. If you are feeling symptoms of mild depression along with your stress, you can take St. John's wort for relief. Take a 300 mg dose three times a day. Kava is an effective herb to reduce stress and anxiety when taken over the course of a few months. Try it in three doses per day at 250 mg per dose.
Stabilize Hormone Levels
If your hormones are unbalanced as a result of your adrenal problems, these herbs can help. Ginger root is used to stabilize levels of the hormone cortisone, keep blood pressure at normal levels and improve energy and metabolic rate. Take 250 mg doses of ginger extract twice a day. Licorice root can naturally strengthen your cortisone levels and decrease the symptoms of the blood sugar condition hypoglycemia. Take 300 mg of licorice before meals and bedtime, but avoid this remedy if you have high blood pressure.
Final Notes
These remedies can be purchased online or at a natural goods store. It may be best to purchase them locally to avoid shipping costs and to enlist the help of an employee who knows what he or she is talking about. These herbs can all be taken at the same time, but it is recommended to try just a few at a time and see how your system adjusts.