St John's Wort Herbal Remedy
According to Holistic Online, ancient Greeks assigned magical powers to St. John's wort. They also used hypericum to treat sciatica and bug bites. Hippocrates recommended hypericum for "nervous unrest." Europeans used St. John's wort to treat injuries and depression. The herb has a long folk history of use for anxiety disorders. More recently, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) reviewed research into the effectiveness of St. John's wort for depression. According to NCCAM, St. John's wort extract is "superior to placebos" and is more effective and has fewer side effects than pharmaceutical antidepressants.
According to Prescription for Nutritional Healing (PNH), St. John's wort contains phytochemicals (plant chemicals) and nutrients. The herb's phytochemicals include, but are not limited to, carotenoids, chlorophyll, flavonoids and lutein. St. John's wort also contains vitamin C. Carotenoids include carotenes and act as antioxidants. Chlorophyll is a source of magnesium. Flavonoids are plant compounds that act as antioxidants. Lutein is a phytochemical found in leafy greens that may help prevent macular degeneration.
Extract of hypericum has antidepressant and antianxiety properties. According to Holistic Online, St. John's Wort is the "first known substance to enhance three key neurotransmitters---serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine." St. John's wort also may lower cortisol, a stress hormone. Hypericum's phytochemical compounds are credited for its mood-elevating effects.
St. John's wort is used for a number of anxiety and nervous-related conditions. According to Holistic Online, St. John's wort calms and prevents disturbances such as bed-wetting and sleeplessness. In extract form, hypericum can ease digestive discomfort and has expectorant action on lung congestion. St. John's wort tea from the plant flowers balances anemia. The herbal extract can be applied to skin injuries. Holistic Online also reports a startling and hopeful possibility presented by St. John's wort: Research continues into hypericum's benefits against HIV. With anecdotal evidence for St. John's wort's synergy with AZT, researchers are busy investigating the possibilities.
While the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is researching dosages, some preparations appear to be reliable and effective. In naturopathic terms, Holistic Online recommends that "St. John's wort extract standardized to contain 0.3% hypericin" seems to be an effective preparation. For antidepressant use, the recommended dosage is 300 mg three times daily with meals. If consuming St. John's wort in infusion form, steep 1 to 2 tsp. of dried herb in 8 oz. boiling distilled water. Steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink three cups daily. Take 1 to 4 ml in tincture form three times daily. Seek medical advice before using this herb for any reason. Do not self-medicate for depression or anxiety-related symptoms.
Certain warnings accompany the use of St. John's wort. Naturopathic sources such as Holistic Online and mainstream medical reviews by the German government and NCCAM find hypericum to be safer than pharmaceutical alternatives for the treatment of depression. Holistic Online advises that you should not combine hypericum with MAO inhibitors. There is early indication that St. John's wort "may interfere with medications given during organ transplant."