Yamoa African Asthma Cure
Some asthma sufferers are turning to alternative methods of treatment in hopes of finding a cure. One alternative treatment for asthma is the Yamoa African Asthma Cure. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, yamoa is the bark from a tree whose genus species name is Funtumia elastica. The part of yamoa that is bioactive is known as a complex polysaccharide fraction (Yam-I). It has been shown to stimulate the immune response in both animal and human tests. The conclusion drawn from these tests is that yamoa has the potential to create positive effects with both asthma patients and those afflicted with infectious diseases. This gum tree is native to Ghana, West Africa.
Yamoan African Asthma Cure
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, yamoa supplements are totally natural and made from grinding yamoa into a fine brown powder. High quality yamoa supplements should not contain any additives or chemicals. The powder has no odor and although initially tasteless. Immediately after swallowing, however, there is a bitter taste in the throat. The Center for Scientific Research in Ghana certified in a letter to the FDA that yamoa supplements benefit both asthmatics and latent asthmatics. They also claim that the Yamoan African Asthma Cure (pure yamoa supplements) reduces the number of attacks in a few days. Additionally, they say if the yamoa is included in the patient's diet for one month, it is possible to be free from asthma symptoms.
How to Take Yamoa
It is recommended that patients ingest the yamoa by mixing it with honey or swallowing it in capsules. If you do not like honey, you can also mix it with brown rice syrup or another natural sweetener. Adults are instructed to start with one capsule twice daily, taken with a glass of water. The dosages for children are about half that amount. Although you may see results quickly, keep taking the yamoa until the prescribed amount is finished. Do not stop taking your asthma medication during treatment and consult with your doctor before initiating the Yamoan African Asthma Cure.