List of Medicinal Plants
Holistic practitioners believe that medicinal plants and herbs encourage the body to heal itself. Healing the immune system is one way your body can boost your overall health. Medicinal plants such as marshmallow, licorice, chamomile and echinacea all help encourage to the body to heal its immune system. These herbs can also reduce inflammation and help the digestive system.
Aloe vera is used to soothe burns and promote healing. Yellow dock is used to reduce the sting from ant bites or nettles.
Medicinal plants can be used to help minor pain without resorting to pills. Blue cohosh was used by the Cherokee to ease toothache pain. The Chippewa used the root to help treat cramps. Vervain is an herb used to relieve minor pain and inflammation. California poppy and oats can be used to help treat pain associated with sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome or shingles.
Powdered cayenne pepper can be used to treat cuts and stop bleeding. An added benefit is the capsaicin in the pepper suppresses the chemical carrying pain messages from the nerves in skin to your brain, which helps ease some of the pain. Other plants that help stop bleeding and promote scabbing are agrimony, yarrow and plantain.
These herbs only work to staunch bleeding. Cuts still need to be cleaned and treated to avoid infections.
Despite the unappetizing name, wormwood is used to aid in digestive health. Cannabis, more common known as marijuana, is another medicinal plant that is used to treat vomiting and nausea. However, this medicinal plant is illegal to use in most of the United States. Ginger, peppermint and basil can also help cure nausea and are all available legally.