Natural Herbs to Cleanse the Arteries
Hawthorn is an herb packed with antioxdants and flavonoids. Flavonoids help your system by providing support to the vascular system and strengthening your blood vessels. The flavonoid content in hawthorn correlates with the antioxidant benefits such as protecting the heart from free radicals. Hawthorn helps to cleanse arteries by dilating the coronary arteries and allowing necessary oxygen, blood, and nutrients to reach your heart. To cleanse arteries and protect the heart, take two 160mg to 300 mg dose of hawthorn daily for at least six weeks. Alternately, prepare tea by boiling two teaspoons of crushed hawthorn berries into a cup of boiling water. Let the water boil for five minutes, and then simmer. Drink one to two cups per day.
Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate is an herbal fruit that has been used for centuries as an astringent and a remedy for sore throats and colds. Pomegranate is also packed full of antioxidants that helps diminish the free radicals from the body. Since free radicals are a cause of clogged arteries, pomegranate is an excellent herbal remedy to cleanse out clogged arteries. In the juice form, add 20ml of pomegranate juice to a cup of water. Drink the mixture once daily. Make certain that the pomegranate juice is concentrated.
Bilberry is another herb filled with antioxidants that protects your system against cell damage and strengthens blood vessels. Bilberry contains anthocyanidins, which is a phytonutrient that protects your vascular system and helps to improve the dilation and constriction of arteries. Bilberry can be consumed in the fruit or the extract form. Take 80 to 120 mg of standardized bilberry extract a couple of times per day, or eat a handful of the fruit daily. Because of severe weight loss risk, do not consume extremely large quantities of bilberry over an extended period of time.