Goji Berries Health Benefits
Goji berry is also commonly called "wolfberry" and "lycium." Two varieties of the goji plant produce the same fruit. These are known by the Latin names Lycium barbarum and Lycium chinense. Goji contains many antioxidants, including 19 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, protein and vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, E and A. Goji berries are top ranked on the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) list, meaning it has the highest ORAC as determined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Traditional benefits of goji berry include diabetes, high blood pressure, fever and age-related eye problems, states WebMD.com. Taking goji berry may help prevent cancer and other illnesses. Rich in Vitamin A, goji berry improves immune function, night vision and helps prevent heart disease. Goji berry also improves brain function and reduces symptoms of Alzheimer's. Goji berries will help you lose weight, enhance your sexuality and relieve headaches, depression, dizziness and insomnia. These berries will also help protect the liver from toxins.
Goji berries are eaten dried like raisins, raw or cooked and are used in herbal medicines, teas, juices and wine. Take 1 tsp. goji berry tincture twice daily. Or take ½ to 1 oz. to follow traditional Chinese recommendations. If you are preparing the decoction (boiling the herb and drinking the remaining water), drink 8 oz. daily for maximum results.
Goji berry is a bright orange berry that grows from a deciduous woody perennial shrub and grows 3 to 10 feet tall. It is native to China and is additionally grown as vines in the Himalayas of both Tibet and Mongolia. The shrub is spiny or spiky and is also known as the matrimony vine.
It is unclear if goji berry supplements are as effective as the actual berries, states WebMD.com. Do not take if you are on blood thinners. Talk to your health care provider if you take diabetes or blood pressure medication. You may experience allergic reactions if you are allergic to pollen. Many manufacturers of goji berry juice do not provide enough real goji juice in their products to ensure maximum benefits.