About Panax Ginseng
Harvesting Panax Ginseng
Panax ginseng must not be harvested until it as at least six years old. Then the roots can be pulled in autumn and used fresh, or they can be peeled and dried for use. The plant is started from just a seed, and takes patience to grow since you must wait so many years to be able to use it.
Stress Reliever
Panax ginseng has the ability to help the body cope with stress and its effects, such as fatigue, anxiety and exhaustion. For increased alertness and a better mood take up to 1,000 mg of Panax ginseng for eight to 12 weeks. Take a four week break in between and resume. Repeat these steps.
Panax ginseng is good for treating diabetes, as it has been shown to lower blood sugar. Add a minimum dosage to your diet as recommended by directions on the bottle, and follow a diabetic diet plan.
Prostate Health
Panax ginseng is a popular medication for men, increasing stamina and aiding with prostate health. It replenishes energy, eases stress and aides in male sexual health. Men can take this the same dosage as recommended for stress, up to 1,000 mg a day for eight to 12 weeks, stopping for four weeks, then repeating the steps again.
Pregnant and lactating women should not take herbal supplements like Panax ginseng. These herbs can stay in the body and go into the bloodstream and milk and may harm the baby.