Sea Salt for Cleansing
To create a sea salt mix for detoxification, use 2 tsps. of unrefined sea salt with 1 or 2 qts. of warm water. Table salt cannot be substituted for sea salt, as it lacks the necessary properties to detoxify the body. Once the salt has dissolved, drink this entire mixture. If you find it hard to drink, try adding some lemon juice. This may make it easier to stomach. The sea salt mixture should be consumed after waking in the morning on an empty stomach, and can be repeated for three days. If you need to extend the detoxification, consult with a doctor before going beyond three days. After the initial cleansing, you can repeat this process once a week to keep your intestinal tract in top working order.
Results of a sea salt cleanse can vary greatly from person to person, but most people notice changes in their health within a few hours after drinking the mixture. Once the sea salt has started clearing the residue from your intestinal tract, you may sense an increase in your energy, feel in a better mood or notice improvements in sinus and respiratory functions. A sea salt cleansing also balances electrolytes in the body, much in the same way as sports drinks. Balancing electrolytes can help regulate the heart rate and reduce muscle inflammation and pain. Once toxins and impurities are expelled from the intestines, you may also notice that your skin is clearer and any issues you may have had with bad breath may improve.
While a sea salt cleanse can naturally remove waste from the body, it is not recommended for everyone. Individuals who have cancer, digestive conditions or ulcers should not attempt a sea salt cleanse without advice from a medical practitioner. It can also be beneficial to do a more gentle intestinal cleansing with herbs, such as psyllium or flax, before attempting a sea salt cleanse.