The Health Benefits of Ginseng Tea
Ginseng tea was founded in Manchuria and has been consumed by Chinese people for more than 5,000 years for its healing properties. The botanical name for ginseng is Panax, meaning "all heal" in Greek. The perennial plant root of ginseng contains a powerful natural healing chemical called ginsenosides. An ancient Chinese belief is that drinking ginseng tea leads to a very long life.
There are many types of ginseng tea, but the three most popular are American, Asian and Siberian. American ginseng tea is best known for its calming and cooling effects and is recommended for women of any age, especially for relieving menstrual and menopausal symptoms. Asian ginseng tea is best known for its powerful heat- and energy-producing effects and is primarily recommended for men. Siberian ginseng tea offers stress relief and protects against many types of common illnesses.
Ginseng root can be bought at a health food store in raw, dried or powder form and can be used to make homemade ginseng tea. It's also available as an added extract to packaged herbal tea bags. Ginseng extract added to herbal teas should contain a potency of 3 to 7 percent ginsenosides. For best results, ginseng tea should be consumed in cycles, such as three weeks on and one week off. Ginseng tea should not be drunk for more than three months at a time.
There are many benefits to drinking ginseng tea, and people swear by its healing powers. It can increase a person's appetite, improve circulation, help digestive problems, elevate mood, relieve menstrual discomfort, fight fatigue, ease stress, strengthen the immune system, improve sex life, aid the respiratory system, help those suffering from asthma, arthritis or diabetes, lessen headaches, lower cancer risk and bad cholesterol levels, help stomach ulcers and diarrhea and reduce symptoms of Crohn's Disease and Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Syndrome.
Side Effects
Ginseng tea is a natural non-toxic herbal supplement that's generally not harmful, although extreme long-term use may result in sleep problems and high blood pressure. Drinking ginseng tea while taking medications such as warfarin, heparin, aspirin or diuretics may also cause adverse effects. It shouldn't be used with any other herbs that elevate cognitive alertness.