Zantrex 3 & Weight Loss
Maintain a Healthy Diet
One of the most important aspects of any weight-loss program is to maintain a healthy diet. The problem that most people run into when modifying their diets is that they don't include essential foods that the body needs to function properly, which causes the diet to quickly become ineffective. One of the most useful features of Zantrex 3 is to reduce the appetite, which is why it should be taken about 30 minutes before each meal. Keep in mind, however, that your body still needs nutrients to support its immune functions and tissue repair, so be sure to consult with a licensed nutrition specialist before drastically altering your food intake.
Stick to an Exercise Plan
Every exercise plan is formulated with the best of intentions, but many who are just beginning a new program will experience some difficulty as their bodies adapt to the extra strain. During this difficult process, energy levels can initially drop as the body copes with new stress, which is why Zantrex 3 offers energy-boosting compounds such as xanthine, guarana, niacin, green tea and ginseng to provide an extra boost that can help you stick to the program. It is important to phase in a new exercise program by gradually increasing the difficulty level instead of jumping straight into a hardcore regimen that will almost certainly fail. Formulate a reasonable exercise plan and then follow it closely to achieve the best results.
How Zantrex 3 Works
Zantrex 3 contains a number of organic compounds that have been used for many years---centuries in some cases---to boost energy and promote physical health:
Xanthine is a purine-based stimulant that is found naturally in most body tissues and fluids.
Niacin, aka vitamin B-3, is a precursor to a number of compounds that support the production of steroid hormones, support DNA repair, and reportedly lower cholesterol while flushing toxins out of the body.
Green tea has been used for many centuries to promote natural health, and some studies suggest that it also lowers the risk of some forms of cancer and heart disease. It also contains caffeine in addition to theopylline and theobromine---all of which are stimulants that provide an extra boost of calorie-free energy.
Ginseng is a plant root that is reported to possess immune-enhancing properties while increasing work abilities and lowering stress.
Ask an Expert
Before implementing any new health regimen or program, be sure to consult with your physician. Doctors have a great insight into how much stress and change our bodies can handle in a short period of time.