The Best Liver Cleanses
Liver cleanses attempt to assist the liver in flushing out any toxic substances that may have accumulated there. If your liver becomes enlarged, fatty or sluggish, you may feel tired or irritated, or may have a headache. Herbs used in liver cleansing have unique properties that protect the liver and heal it from damage caused by toxic substances. If you use herbs as liver-cleansing agents, use them only for short periods of time. Discontinue use if any adverse effects develop.
Milk Thistle
The most commonly used herb for liver cleansing is milk thistle. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, milk thistle has been used for 2000 years as a remedy for liver problems. Some studies have shown this herb to positively affect liver disease due to alcohol and to improve liver function in some cases of hepatitis. You can purchase milk thistle in capsule form at most health food stores and online. It's usually standardized to contain a significant amount of the active ingredient silymarin.
Bupleurum is the most commonly used herb in Chinese herbal formulas for most conditions involving the liver. A study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology in April 2004 reported bupleurum's effect on chemically induced liver damage. The authors found that not only was bupleurum able to protect the liver from damage, but it was also able to partially heal lesions and raise the antioxidant rate in the liver. Bupleurum is available in capsule form. However, it's traditionally taken as part of a larger combination of herbs prescribed by a Chinese herbal doctor.
Turkey Tail Mushrooms
Turkey tail mushrooms, also known as Trametes versicolor, are one of the most common mushrooms in the temperate northern hemisphere. The have also been found to have profound effects on the human liver. In a 2000 study published in the International Journal for Medicinal Mushrooms, Korean researchers tested a strong tea made from turkey tail mushrooms on damaged rat livers. They found that the turkey tail mushroom tea stimulated regeneration of liver tissue, and inhibited the growth of liver cancer cells. Turkey tail mushrooms are available in capsule and bulk powder form. You can also find them on dead oak logs in many parks and natural areas, but use caution. To avoid the risk of poisoning, only attempt to gather wild mushrooms under expert guidance.
The term "liver cleanse" remains controversial in the medical community. In fact, noted alternative health advocate Dr. Andrew Weil states that he doesn't believe "that cleansing the liver is a worthwhile health practice." However he does state that compromised liver function is due to liver damage. Therefore, by using the above listed herbs that have documented liver-protecting abilities, you're guarding one of your most precious organs from becoming unhealthy.