Herbal Cholesterol Reducers
Garlic helps HDL--the good cholesterol--route excess cholesterol out of the body, so it's a good idea to increase levels of HDL in relation to LDL or bad cholesterol. Regular consumption of garlic lowers overall levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream, in particular bad cholesterol. To notice an impact in your cholesterol levels, you will have to take garlic for a period of at least six months. Add a clove or two of raw or cooked garlic once a day, or take two to four 300 mg to 400 mg capsules daily. Look for garlic supplements that contain at least 4,000 micrograms of allicin potential per capsule. Allicin is the principal ingredient in garlic responsible for its cholesterol lowering properties.
Guggul is an unusually named herb that has potent cholesterol lowering properties. This small tree originates in India, and gives off a gummy-like resin that can lower LDL cholesterol levels, and raise the good cholesterol, or HDL levels. A recommended dose of guggul is three 500 mg capsules every day with meals.
Hawthorn is a useful herb when it comes to treating the heart and can also be useful in treating elevated cholesterol levels. A recommended dose of hawthorn is 2,000 mg daily in capsules, or one teaspoon of tincture two to four times daily. Hawthorn is safe to take for an indefinite period, however speak with your physician before including this herb if you have any type of cardiovascular condition to avoid medicinal conflicts.
Many herbalists often concentrate on the correlation between cholesterol levels and the functioning of the liver. If the liver is not functioning properly, cholesterol levels can be affected in a negative way because your digestive system may not be eliminating cholesterol from your body in the most efficient manner. Dandelion helps the liver to function at its full capacity, and in an indirect way can help with high cholesterol levels. Take one teaspoon of dandelion tincture three times a day to help with liver functioning. It is best to dilute the tincture in a small amount of water to improve the flavor.
Psyllium has properties that make it effective in lowering cholesterol levels. Take between three and 12 grams of soluble fiber from psyllium per day to reduce cholesterol levels and help protect the heart.