Herbal Treatment for Carbon Monoxide
Prevention and Symptoms
If you begin to experience symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, you must deal with it immediately. Some symptoms of this condition are headache, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, and mild nausea. No treatment will heal you as well as leaving the source of the carbon monoxide and making sure to take care of the problem. Though this type of poisoning used to be more of a problem, a poorly installed gas fixture or an aging apartment may still lead to problems of this sort. See a doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms, and if carbon monoxide poisoning is determined, call your landlord or gas company to immediately remedy the problem.
Homeopathic Oxidation
Once you have seen your doctor, followed his recommendations and corrected the carbon monoxide leak, you may begin healing your individual symptoms. One of the effects of carbon monoxide is that your cells are deprived of their proper amount of oxygen. Homeopathic remedies can be helpful as they are small concentrations of herbs that help immunize you against harmful chemical side effects. The homeopathic remedy Carbo vegitabilis can improve your circulation, spasmodic coughing, and a lack of energy that comes after carbon monoxide poisoning. Ferrum metallicum or homeopathic iron can also be of help, as it will improve circulation and generally lead to improved oxygen content in the blood. Kali sulph (also known as potassium sulphate) can improve oxygen transfer as well in a similar way to ferrum metallicum. Take these supplements at 12c potency (where c is equal to 100 times the standard homeopathic potency) twice a day for a few weeks to see if symptoms improve.
Memory Problems
Since memory is directly connected to the strength of your oxygen circulation, carbon monoxide poisoning may lead to memory problems as well. Unfortunately, some memory effects of long periods of this poisoning can be permanent, but there are herbal remedies that can help you to regain as much memory function as possible. Ginkgo biloba has been known to help memory by improving the blood flow to the small capillaries of the brain. Take capsules with 120 mg three times a day. To further improve oxidization in the brain, you may use the blessed thistle herb to help memory strength. Take 2 ml of a blessed thistle tincture three times per day. To ensure that your adrenal glands are functioning properly and to improve any carbon monoxide damage of them, use herbal licorice root. Use 200 mg tablets three times a day before meals. Licorice can elevate blood pressure, so make sure not to use it if you have hypertension. These three memory-helping herbs can be found in most natural-foods stores or on the Internet.