Teas that Detox the Liver
Alcohol, pollution, chemicals and even fatty foods can all add toxins and slow down the function of the liver. If overly toxic, the liver can swell and cause many health-related symptoms such as headache and fatigue. If the liver becomes too damaged, it can form scar tissue in a condition called cirrhosis, which can lead to liver disease. Fortunately, the liver is an organ that can regenerate, and by using herbs that detox and protect the liver, you may be able to keep you liver in top condition despite your environment.
Dandelion is a common herb that grows throughout the temperate northern hemisphere, and it has been used in traditional folk medicine for a variety of ailments including liver complaints. A 2007 study at the Center of Smart Foods & Drugs in Kimhae, Korea, found that a tea made from the dandelion plant was able to protect the liver of rats from inflammation when they were administered a dose of carbon tetrachloride.
Bupleurum is an herb that is used as the prime herbal ally for the liver in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In a study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology in April 2004, researchers gave a strong extract of bupleurum on livers that had been damaged by carbon tetrachloride. They found that the bupleurum extract partially healed lesions, including ballooning degeneration, necrosis, hepatitis and portal triaditis.
The reishi mushroom is considered one of the most important herbs in the pharmacopoeia of TCM, and it has been consumed as a daily tea for thousands of years by Taoist sages and Chinese emperors. In an article published in the International Journal for Medicinal Mushrooms in 2006, Chinese researchers studied reishi's effects on chemically induced liver damage in mice. They concluded that substances called triterpenoids have powerful protective effects against liver damage.
In the modern world, the potential toxic substances that we consume through the air we breath, the water we drink and the food we eat are vast. On the other hand, the modern world has provided use with access to an unheard of amount of information and a wealth of scientifically proven natural remedies for detoxing our livers. So, put your water on boil and make yourself a nice hot cup of liver-cleansing tea.