Herbal Cures for Nasal Inflammation
Licorice or rather the root of the licorice plant helps to reduce inflammation and works to energize the immune system to fight off sinus infections. You will find two types of licorice products available at your local health food store, one is for treating infections and boosting the immune system, and the other is for treating ulcers. Make sure you pick the right one and follow dosing instructions closely. Licorice capsules are generally the product that is used to treat the immune system.
Eucalyptus is very helpful in treating inflammation that is associated with sinus infections. This good smelling herb is often used to soothe sore throats, but also has antiseptic properties. Eucalyptus oil can actually penetrate the mucous membranes and loosen up congestion. Use a steam inhalation with eucalyptus essential oil or dried herb at least once a day to clear sinuses and reduce inflammation. Put 2 to 3 teaspoons of dried eucalyptus or one teaspoon of the essential oil in boiling water, steep and turn off heat. Put a towel over your head and breathe in the vapors for relief of inflammation and congestion. Continue this treatment once or twice daily until symptoms abate. Eucalyptus is also available in lozenges, as well as being available in a tea.
Peppermint has strong anti-inflammatory properties that help to calm mucous membranes. Peppermint tea is widely available at health food stores. Another option is to steep peppermint in boiling water and breathe in the vapors. The scent when inhaled will help to ease your breathing and reduce inflammation.
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is widely used as a powerful infection fighter and is able to kill off infections and bacteria. Drink lemon balm for effective relief of sinus symptoms. Drink the tea warm two times a day for relief.
Echinacea is a strong immune system booster and helps it to function at a more optimal level. Echinacea is available in capsule or tea form. Start at the highest dosage possible during the initial stages of sinus infection, then gradually taper off.
Aim to take a total of 1,200 mg. per day in capsule form or through drinking echinacea tea. Drink 6 cups of echinacea tea daily to meet this requirement and kill the sinus infection you are experiencing. Echinacea is also available in tincture form. Follow dosing instructions carefully.