Crohn's Disease Remedy
Smaller Meals and More Liquids
Eating five or six small meals rather than two or three traditionally-sized ones will be easier on your digestive tract. An added benefit includes keeping your blood sugar levels stable. Additionally, increase the amount of liquid you drink. The best is just plain water. Limit or avoid soft drinks, as the carbonation can give you gas. Caffeinated beverages quicken the elimination process in your intestines and can cause diarrhea.
Be Wary of Dairy
Dairy has been linked to causing diarrhea, abdominal pain and gas in those with Crohn's Disease and other problems with the digestive tract. While it is uncertain what exactly cause Crohn's Diease, one researcher has discovered a link. According to Robert Cohen, author of "Milk, the Deadly Poison," a significant number of American cows are infected with Crohn's disease, which he claims is caused by a bacterium called mycobacterium paratuberculosis. He then points out that every person that has Crohn's disease tests positive for this mycobacterium paratuberculosis.
Cut Out the Fat
People with Crohn's disease usually have problems digesting fat; instead, it passes through the intestine and can cause massive attacks of diarrhea. Avoid excessive amounts (or foods made with) butter, margarine, peanut butter, cream or mayonnaise. Also stay away from fried foods and red meat. Even healthy foods like nuts and avocados should be consumed in limited quantities due to their fat content.