Chia Seed Information
Chia seeds
Chia seeds are edible, nut-like seeds with varying colors of white, gray, brown and black. They come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica. They are mostly grown in Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador and Guatemala. About five centuries ago, chia seeds--because of their health-boosting qualities--served as a major food source for the Aztecs and Mayans. Chia seeds are an incredible source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which helps increase body metabolism and brain function.
Chia seeds are versatile and serve many health and food purposes. As raw seeds, you can chew chia seeds and enjoy a great source of dietary fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. You can also soak them in water or fruit juice because they are very absorbent and gelatinous. Chia seeds produce a gel that can reduce the conversion rate of carbohydrate to sugar. Chia seeds are a reliable means of building muscle and other body tissues.
As antioxidants, chia seeds cleanse the digestive system and reduce the risk of heartburn and indigestion. They also help the body fight disease and naturally delay the aging process. Also, because of their high water-retention capacity, they keep your body hydrated. In addition, chia seed gel can serve as an alternative for fat and oils. This useful seed can help keep your body in good shape and help reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
You can use chia seeds in a variety of drinks and dishes such as pastries, fruit juice, yogurt, soups or as whole seeds. Because of their versatile nature, you can use them in your cooking and still retain the flavor of your food.
Chia seeds digest easily even when eaten whole. This unique quality makes it a favorable choice for pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents who are at their rapid development stage. Those looking to lose weight will find chia seeds a perfect companion. Because of the "filling" nature of the seeds, you will feel full and likely abstain from other foods, improving your diet and enabling you to lose weight. Body builders and athletes who take chia seeds experience increased energy and endurance levels. Even animals fed with chia seeds have shown positive results with increased productivity.