Herbs to Treat Peyronie's Disease
The disease was first noted in the early 16th century and was officially named by the doctor François Gigot de La Peyronie in 1743. He described the patient as having "rosary beads of scar tissue to cause an upward curvature of the penis during erection." As of yet there has been no cure found for the condition.
Circulatory System
Your best bet is to treat the major symptoms of the disease instead of trusting an unproven cure. Here are a few herbs to treat a stagnant circulatory system, which may have caused your penile plaque build-up. Ginkgo biloba is well known for its ability to improve circulation throughout the body. Try taking 40 mg of ginkgo biloba three times a day. Siberian ginseng can help to stimulate the body's circulation in addition to improving function of the penis. Take one 300-mg dose every day for 6 weeks at a time. Take 40 drops of a tincture made from bilberries three times a day to improve circulation and strength in the veins and capillaries. These remedies can be purchased at a natural foods store and can be used all at the same time.
Body Plaque Removal
Since it is the formation of plaque in the penis that leads to Peyronie's, there may be a correlation to removing arterial plaque and an improvement in Peyronie's. Here are a few herbs that can help in that endeavor. The herb hawthorn can help with removing plaque blockages by widening blood vessels. Take a supplement of hawthorn in a 150-mg dose three times a day. Horsetail can improve removal of plaque by strengthening the walls of the arteries and veins in the body. It is also rich in silica, which is the basis of a Peyronie's homeopathic remedy (see Section 4). Take an herbal horsetail tea once a day with 2 g horsetail per cup of tea. Though not an herb, the vitaminlike coenzyme Q10 is extremely important as it can strengthen the veins and clean out the accumulated plaque. Take one 100-mg dose per day. These substances can together begin to rid the plaque from the body and can be taken along with the herbs in Section 2.
Homeopathic Remedies
While taking the other herbal remedies (which can be taken as long as you wish with the exception of ginseng), you may also use homeopathic remedies to improve your condition. Two remedies that are rumored to help Peyronie's disease are Silica and Fluoric acid. There has been very little documented evidence about these two homeopathic treatments in connection to Peyronie's, but since there is almost no chance of harm with a homeopathic remedy, it is worth a shot. Try the two of them together at a low potency of 3x (where x is equal to 10 times the standard homeopathic potency) for 2 weeks and then stop and wait to see if there are results. Secale may be another helpful remedy as it aids sluggish circulation and blood clots. Try a small dose of 6x or less three times a day and see if symptoms improve.
There are many claims on the Internet about healing Peyronie's. One website in particular, The Peyronie's Disease Institute, looks like a scam from top to bottom. Do not trust in these claims unless you have the backing of your physician.