Plants That Cure Wounds
Yarrow is one of the most common plants that grows in the temperate northern hemisphere and has a long history of use in wound healing in Europe and among Native American people. Yarrow's scientific name, Achillea millefolium, refers to its legendary use by the warrior Achilles as a wound healer on the battle field. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, yarrow can be used to stop bleeding, as an antinflammatory, and an antibacterial and general wound healer.
Banana Peel
Can a powerful wound healing herb be found right in the produce section of your neighborhood grocery store? Possibly. Researchers at Banaras Hindu University in Varanassi India published a study in January of 2002 that examined the plantain banana for wound healing potential. They found that wounded rats treated with the banana peel extract showed reduced scarring and diminished wound areas compared to the control group.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is another common plant that has found its way into most people's natural medicine chest and is well known as a sunburn remedy. However, recent studies show that the common aloe plant may be able to help in more serious cases of injury to the skin and may even be a first-class wound healer. A study published in April 2007 by researchers at Naresuan University in Phitsanulok, Thailand did a systematic review of studies done on aloe and wound healing and found that aloe seemed to speed wound recovery times and concluded that aloe may be an effective treatment for first- and second-degree burn wounds.
There are many other herbs and natural substances that have been used worldwide for wound healing, as wounds have always been a fact of life. Since many of the most common and readily available herbs seem to have wound healing abilities when applied topically, there are probably dozens of other natural wound remedies right at our fingertips.
Serious, moderate and even superficial wounds all run the risk of infection that can turn a minor annoyance into a full blown life threatening condition. Before attempting to treat any wound by natural means, a qualified health practitioner should be consulted.