Chinese Herbs for Sleep
Excess Qi
Qi, or chi, is the Chinese term for energy. Many Chinese practices center around the proper flow and location of energy throughout the body. Chinese medical practitioners believe that one of the potential causes of sleeplessness may be when qi in the liver is stagnant, and as a result is transformed into fire. This leads into an excess of qi in the body, which results in insomnia. Your symptoms may include a bitter taste in your mouth, congestion and a rapid pulse. One remedy is a mixture of Gentian Combination (long dan xie gan tang), with 4 qian dragon teeth (long chi), and 5 qian magnetite (chi shi). This remedy is meant to purse the fire in the liver and to calm the mind. Obviously, these are not typical items you'll find at a grocery store. Consult a Chinese Traditional Medicine practitioner or go to a Chinese local store and inquire about this treatment.
Another condition that may lead to an excess of qi is when heat-phlegm is invading the heart. The symptoms of this condition are insomnia, dizziness, a slippery, rapid pulse, and acid regurgitation. A mixture of Hoelen and Bamboo Combination (wend an tang) with 1 qian coptis (huang lian) is the standard Chinese herbal remedy.
Qi Deficiency
If there is a deficiency of qi you may want to try Hoelen and Acorus Formula (an shen ding zhi wan) or Zizyphus Combination (suan zao ren tang). If your heart and spleen are deficient in qi, you can try the Ginseng and Longan Combination (qui pi tang).
Yin-Yang Imbalance
A deficiency in Yin can also lead to sleeplessness.This means that the male and female energies in your body are out of balance. If this is the case, you should have the Coptis and Gelatin Combination (huang lian a jiao tang). Once again, it is best to consult a Chinese Traditional Medicine doctor to find these ingredients or to be diagnosed.
Soothing Herbs
There are several Chinese herbs that may generally improve the condition of insomnia. He shou wu, also known as fo-ti, has been prescribed for many ailments in Chinese medicine, one of which is insomnia. It may help to restore the body's balance and improve blood flow. The typical dosage of fo-ti is five 500-milligram tablets taken three times daily.
Schisandra, or wu-wei-zi, helps the body to deal with stress, anxiety and various diseases like hepatitis. It is thought to help sleeplessness with its ability to stabilize blood sugar and blood pressure. Schisandra is available in its fruit form in doses of 1 to 6 grams depending upon the severity of your symptoms.
Sweet violet, or hu-chin-ts'ao, can help with headaches, dizziness, insomnia and the moderation of anger. It can be taken as a tea, where 1 teaspoon of the herb is infused into boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Take the tea three times daily.