Natural Medications for Excruciating Pain

It can be extremely hard to function when you are constantly experiencing extreme pain. It can be equally hard to deal with some of the side effects that come with many intense pain remedies. There are some natural methods to reduce pain that may cause fewer of these inconvenient side effects. Consult your doctor before trying new herbs to ensure they won't interact badly with medication or cause allergies.
  1. Topical Remedies

    • The first step in relieving your extreme pain naturally is to use some natural topical remedies. Capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers, has been used in multiple over-the-counter pain remedies. This treatment causes a burning sensation that over time can help to reduce the strength of your pain. Menthol has likewise been used in many medical topical analgesics. This plant-derived natural medicine can dull your pain when applied directly to the source. Arnica can be found in oil or cream form to help with muscle, bruise, and sprain pain by improving blood circulation to the point of the injury. All three of these herbal remedies can be purchased at a natural goods store and can be applied liberally to the painful region. Try arnica first to bring the body's attention to the area, followed by menthol to dull the pain. If the pain is still overwhelming, use the capsaicin in an attempt to dull your pain sensors in that region. (See References 2, Resources 2)

    Herbs and Nutrients

    • There are many herbs and nutrients that can be taken internally to improve your pain-related symptoms. After you have attempted to relieve the pain externally, try a few of these natural substances to help. Bromelain is an enzyme that can be extracted from pineapples. It has similar anti-inflammatory properties to ibuprofen. Aspirin was originally manufactured from the bark of the white willow herb, and this herb can be taken on its own in pill form. Feverfew has often been used to help with migraines as it can improve blood flow and decrease inflammation in the body. Some herbs have specific pain-relief uses: skullcap, for example, can help with headaches and labor contractions, yucca helps with osteoporosis and arthritis, and lavender eases joint pain and rheumatism. You can take these herbs as you attempt to heal your pain externally. They can be found at your local natural goods store in appropriate dose amounts. (See References 1 and 2)

    Homeopathic Remedies

    • Some of the worst pain in the body can come from the back and spine. Here are some homeopathic remedies that can help to relieve this excruciating pain. Natrum muriaticum, or table salt, should be used if you have back pain in which your back is extremely painful or bruised. This pain may cause you to feel weak, numb, and lame and it may be accompanied by cramping and cracking joints. Sepia can be used if you feel a hammering pain in the back along with weakness and tiredness. If you experience a worsening of symptoms when sitting or during cold and damp evenings, sepia may be the appropriate remedy for you. Lastly, calcarea fluorica should be used if you have a stiff and aching back most of the time, along with a burning and grinding pain in the spine. This remedy is also appropriate if the pain has come from a slipped disc, arthritis, or bone spurs. These remedies can be used each day at 30c doses (where c is equal to 100 times the standard homeopathic potency) and tested for several weeks to see if symptoms improve. (See Resources 1)

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