Exotic Plants That Heal You From Sickness
History: The People
The lures and myth of the herbalists were often created by the herbalists themselves. The tales were meant to spook those away who did not know what they were looking for. Even if a lay person were to ask an herbalist where to find the plant, he or she would be told that in order to dig up Dragon root, it must be done at midnight during a full moon; otherwise the root would be useless.
While the peoples of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas have used herbs and exotic plants for many years, there are a few noteworthy names that are part of the history of using plants and herbs for healing. Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654) created the herbal bible called "The Complete Herbal," which can still be found and read today. There is also Meng Shen (621-713 AD) who wrote China's first diet herbal that covered 227 different herbs. Ben Cao Gang Mu (1518-1593) is considered the greatest herbalists of all time by many.
There is also Johann Kuenzle (1857-1945) who is considered the most famous herbalist in Switzerland. He published his book "Herbs and Weeds" in 1911. It sold over 1 million copies and it can still be found today.
Why Herbs and Plants
Dr. A. Jefferson Lewis III says, "Modern pharmaceuticals are often meant to work like 'bullets,' relying on highly purified and potent chemicals to achieve specific effects." While he is not saying that modern medicine is not effective or safe, he does make a point to say that herbs and exotic plants are equivalent to vitamins and supplements. They have been used for centuries to treat everything from the common cold to cancer; they were also used to treat infection, improve immunity and boost vigor.
It is important to note that the study of herbs and their effectiveness are still ongoing in the United States and Europe. However, many herbal remedies have been used by people all over the world successfully.
Herbs for Everyone
There are a number of herbs and plants that many natural healers feel should be in every home. These include the aloe vera plant. It is very effective for healing, and it can be used internally and externally. It is ideal for just about any skin condition including rashes and sunburn.
Peppermint is another plant that is safe for every home. If you are suffering from an unsettled stomach, chewing peppermint gum, peppermint leaves or brewing peppermint tea is very effective.
Echinacea is another beneficial herb. Most often it is used as an antiviral to help ease the symptoms associated with cold and flu. There are also some claims that it helps to fight cancer and AIDS; those claims have yet to be proved scientifically.
Garlic is a staple in the spice cabinet, but it is also a wonderful antibacterial agent. It also aids in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as lowering a person's risk of cancer.
The More Exotic
There is the beautiful tree Azadirachta, which comes from the Persian name Melia Azedarach. The more common names of this tree are Nim, Margosa Tree, Pichumarda and Neem Tree. While the uses are familiar to many, very few people recognize the tree when they see it. With large leaves and star-like floral blooms, it has a straight trunk and forms like an evergreen. When the leaves are young, they are eaten on the Hindu New Year Day to aid in warding off sickness. Dried leaves from this tree are placed in drawers to keep moths away.
The tree also grows a yellow or purple fruit that resembles an olive. From it comes Margosa, which is an oil that is very effective against leprosy and other skin diseases.
Yerba Mora, which is an attractive vine that climbs, when combined with Chamomile it is very effective in treating bruises, swelling and corns. If it is combined with curled dock, it is very effective in curing skin diseases.
Herbal Education
While it is not necessary for a person to get a degree as an herbalist to use plants and herbs to treat ailments, it is important that you educate yourself. You need to be able to identify plants, know what they are used for, what they interact with and if they are safe for ingestion. Books can be found at many local bookstores, as well as online. A stop at your local health-food store can also provide you with the beginning of a foundation of knowledge.