Uses of Gymnema
Gymnema sylvestre is called "Meshashringi" in Sanskrit and has been used in the traditional Ayurvedic system of herbal medicine for thousands of years. Traditionally, it has been used specifically as a remedy against diabetes and blood sugar disorders, as well as stomach and nervous complaints. The unique ability of gymnema to inhibit the tongue's ability to taste sweet gave it the name of "sugar destroyer."
Diabetes is a disease characterized by high blood sugar levels and many associated complications. In a study done in 1990 at the Postgraduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences in Madras, India, researchers tested and extract of gymnema on 22 diabetic patients. They found that the gymnema extract caused a significant decrease in blood sugar levels in the patients; five patients were able to discontinue the use of their conventional drug therapy as long as they continued taking gymnema.
Gymnema has been used for years to combat diabetes and blood sugar-related disorders, but it has not been until recently that scientists have been able to isolate the action responsible for gymnema's effect. In an article published in 1999 in the
"Journal of Endocrinology," researchers concluded that gymnema actually makes cells membranes more permeable and enables them to absorb more insulin.
It has long been known that gymnema affects the way the tongue perceives the taste of sweets and seems to reduce the body's craving for it. An article in the journal "Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology," published in 1991, showed that gymnema contains a unique peptide that selectively suppresses the sweet stimuli receptors in the tongue.
Can it really be true that there is a natural herbal remedy that can reduce your blood sugar and reduce your craving for sweet foods at the same time? It appears so. Gymnema is an easy-to-get herbal medicine that can be found in teabags or in pills at many online retail sites and health food stores. Since diabetes is on the rise worldwide, gymnema stands to be a super herbal ally in the global movement for alternative health.