The Best Alternative Methods & Natural Medicines for Arthritis
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that is designed for pain relief. Though it is considered to be a nontraditional medical treatment, the benefits of acupuncture are widely recognized within the conventional medical community. During acupuncture thin needles are inserted into various points of the body. The needles help release endorphins, which in turn block pain messages from reaching the brain.
Regular massage can be quite useful when you need to alleviate arthritis pain. What's more, many find that regular massage helps increase their mobility and range of motion. Massage helps loosen stiff joints and relax stiff muscles; it can promote healing because it encourages the flow of blood and oxygen to the affected area.
Turmeric and Cayenne
If over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs bother your stomach, you can try a natural anti-inflammatory like turmeric or cayenne. Researchers at the Central Food Technological Research Institute in India and studies sponsored by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine have shown that these two substances may help reduce swelling in the joints and significantly reduce pain. Turmeric also helps aid in the digestive process. Other natural anti-inflammatory medicines to try include pineapple, celery and nettle.
Ginkgo is a very popular health supplement for a number of reasons, but it is used as an arthritis treatment option because it increases circulation. Improved circulation reduces swelling in joints and alleviates arthritis pain.
Comfrey is a lesser known herb, but it has a wide range of uses. Comfrey can be used to treat arthritis naturally for many reasons. First, it helps stimulate healing in joints with arthritic damage. However, it is also a natural anti-inflammatory and it boosts the immune system.
Glucosamine and Chondroitin
Glucosamine and chondroitin are often sold in combination and they work well to treat arthritis naturally. Glucosamine helps build cartilage in joints that are damaged from arthritis. Chondroitin increase the amount of fluid in the joints, making them more shock absorbent.