Cats Claw Benefits
The usage cat's claw, or una de gato, originates in Peru, where it is prevalent in alternative medicinal practices. Since the 1970s, cat's claw has grown in popularity in the United States as an alternative treatment and prevention method for various illnesses and diseases, according to suggests taking up to 6,000 mg a day of cat's claw either in the form of powder of pills.
Immune System
Cat's claw is used to boost the immune system to prevent viruses and bacterial infections. Chemical compounds, such as phytochemicals, alkaloids and tannins give cat's claw this ability. According to, the prevention of HIV by cat's claw has even been studied. However, the website does not recommend that you take cat's claw to treat HIV without a doctor's consent.
Cat's claw is used as an alternative form of cancer treatment. Anti-inflammatory benefits, such as the blocking of TNF-alpha synthesis, help to prevent cancer. Inflammation in the body can lead to cancer. Also, antioxidants in the herb help to prevent free radicals that can turn cells cancerous. Cat's claw may even help you through cancer treatments, such as radiation and chemotherapy.
Other Diseases
Rhynchophylline, a type of alkaloid in cat's claw, is linked to the prevention of heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol and stroke. Cat's claw is often used in the prevention and treatment of other diseases, such as arthritis, chronic fatigue, gout, urinary tract infections, wounds, parasites, ulcers, bowel disorders, digestive disorders, kidney disease, intestinal disorders and stomach problems. Cat's claw is also used for pain relief and to boost your memory.
According to, do not use cat's claw to cure a disease, particularly immune disorders, without consulting a doctor first. You should not take Cats Claw if you are pregnant or nursing. Do not give cat's claw to children. Taking cat's claw in high doses can lead to diarrhea. However, you will not get any toxic effects from taking too much cat's claw, according to