Home Remedies for Parasite Removal
Garlic is a potent antiseptic which herbalists believe to be a remedy against parasitic infection. Physiologics.com reports, "Garlic has been demonstrated to kill parasites in test tubes and in animals. Older studies in humans support the use of garlic to treat roundworm, pinworm and hookworm." However, there have been no conclusive studies as to why garlic rids the system of parasites. Consume garlic in supplement form (tablet and capsules) and incorporate fresh garlic into meals to receive its healing benefits.
Wormwood is an herb that is thought to counteract the growth and spread of an intestinal parasitic infection. Sesquiterpene lactone is the active chemical found in wormwood that provides the anti-parasitic benefits. The chemical is said to weaken the hold which the parasites have on the intestines, in turn allowing them to be flushed from the system. Sesquiterpene lactone contains a high toxicity, which prevents direction consumption of wormwood in its natural state. However, wormwood can be consumed in the forms of supplements and tea.
Black Walnut
Black walnut is used as an herbal remedy to rid the body of parasites along with fungal infections, such as yeast infection, jock itch and ringworm. Though no medical studies have been carried out to prove its effectiveness, black walnuts are said to infuse the bloodstream with oxygen, which in turn will allow parasites to be carried away from the intestines and be ridded from the body. The nutmeat of black walnuts can be consumed in their natural state; alternatively, you can choose to ingest them in supplement form.