What Are the Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid for Skin?
HA Supplements
Hyaluronic acid is available in supplement form. HA plays an important part in keeping your joints, cartilage and skin moist. This supplement is also recommended for osteoarthritis and knee problems. Skin care starts from within and taking HA supplements may help to retain the natural moisture of your skin. The oral daily dosage has not been established, and you should consult your doctor before taking any supplements.
Skin cremes and serums containing hyaluronic acid usually have Vitamin C added to help the product to penetrate the skin. Used for maintenance of dermal filler injections, a creme containing hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C will help your results to last. These cremes help smooth wrinkles and fine lines, and increase hydration to your skin cells
Hyaluronic acid has been approved by the FDA for soft tissue augmentation in lips and cheeks. Injected by a doctor, it is tolerated by your body because it's found in every skin cell. This is a non-evasive procedure done in the office and does not usually require skin testing. Hyaluronic-acid based dermal fillers smooth wrinkles, scars, frown lines and correct the nasolabial folds or parenthesis lines around your mouth.
Food Sources
You can increase your levels of HA with food choices. Soy is a great source of hyaluronic acid. You can add more soy to your diet in shakes and tofu. Combine more soy with your intake of Vitamin C through foods like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, oranges and strawberries, and you can help to boost your levels of HA.
FDA Approvals
The Food and Drug Administration has approved many dermal fillers that use hyaluronic acid. Juvederm, Restalyane and Elevess are some of the brand names that have FDA approval for injection. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are now approved that contain lidocaine for patient comfort when injected.
Consult your doctor before you begin any dietary supplements. When you decide to purchase creams or serums with hyaluronic acid as an additive, take your dermatologist's advice and read labels. Dermal fillers should only be injected by an experienced dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Be aware of the side effects of any injections you choose to have.
Avoid sun exposure. When your skin is excessively exposed to the UV rays of the sun, the cells in the dermis stop producing as much HA and you increase your chances of skin damage. Drink plenty of water for total body hydration. Don't smoke and eat a healthy balanced diet.
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