Herbal Cure for Worms
You can have fresh cloves of garlic or the extracted juice or oil for effective treatment of intestinal worms. Three garlic cloves had before breakfast can help keep away intestinal worms. Another method of garlic treatment is to keep a garlic clove inside each shoe so that as you move, the pressure of your feet smashes the cloves and releases the oil. This is then soaked in through skin of the foot sole and carried by the blood to the intestines, where it helps fight the worms.
The well-known Indian herb turmeric, rich in curcumin, has anti-parasitic values. Separately, these ingredients are of no help in fighting worms, but in the herb, the combination of the compounds forms an effective remedy for the problem. You could have as much turmeric as you can stand in your curries and soups or mix an inch of grated turmeric with a teaspoon of honey and have it in the morning during breakfast.
Parasitic worms can be effectively destroyed with the herb wormwood. Powder the bark and leaves of the plant and have between one and two tablespoons of it every day for fighting intestinal worm infections. Indian specialty stores sell the oil distilled from the bark of this plant. Mix one part of this store-bought wormwood oil with eight parts of olive oil and have 50 ml to 100 ml of the mixture daily for treating intestinal worms. Wormwood oil can also be mixed with water in the ratio of 1 to 60 and used as an enema to treat worms.
Belleric Myroblan and Butea
Mix equal parts of the leaves of the herb belleric myrobalan with butea seeds for effective anthelmintic properties. Have one teaspoon of this mixture three times every day for fighting intestinal worms. A single teaspoon of butea seeds, administered alone, either as powder or paste made with a teaspoon of honey, taken three times a day, can be another beneficial remedy for the condition.
The Indian herb's bark, leaves, fruit and flowers are all helpful against intestinal worms. Take 30 g of the root and bark of the herb and boil with a half-liter of water, such that it is evaporated to one-third of the original quantity. Have 30 ml of this liquid three times a day for no less than two days for treatment of intestinal worms. You could also grind a handful of vasaka leaves and drink a teaspoon of the extracted juice three times a day for three days for relief from intestinal worms.