Saw Palmetto Herb Uses
Saw palmetto herb is an extract from the berry of the plant. The standardized extract should contain 85 to 95 percent fatty acids and sterols. Read the label to ensure the product you choose contains this amount. Saw palmetto is like other herbs and medications where the cure is not permanent. You have to take saw palmetto on a continuous basis for the effect to be lasting.-
Saw palmetto has many properties that benefit the human body. These include anti-catarrhal, anti-galactagogue, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, mild aphrodisiac, astringent, diuretic, expectorant, hormonal, nervine, nutritive, parasiticide, sedative, stimulant and tonic. This herb is especially good for sexual reproductive uses.
Take two 160 mg saw palmetto capsules a day to treat prostate problems. It has a beneficial impact on erections. An enlarged prostate restricts blood flow and sexual performance, which can cause impotence. Saw palmetto returns the prostate back to a normal size allowing proper blood flow to male sexual organs. When dealing with an enlarged prostate consult your care provider before relying solely on herbal treatments. Saw palmetto may eliminate erection obstacles, reduce inflammation and relieve prostate pain. Saw palmetto increases sperm count and improves sperm motility. It is a good herb to maintain the health of male sexual organs.
Take ½ to 1 tsp. of saw palmetto tincture in a ¼ cup of warm water twice a day for 3 months or longer. Take it 6 days a week with the seventh day off. Each month take it for 3 weeks with the fourth week off. Saw palmetto strengthens the kidneys and adrenal glands. It has a mild aphrodisiac effect.
Kidney Stones
Take two 160 mg capsule or ½ tsp. saw palmetto tincture three times a day until no longer needed. Saw palmetto relaxes the ureter muscle and makes it easier to pass the kidney stones.
Take ½ tsp. saw palmetto tincture mixed with ½ cup of warm apple juice three times a day. Saw palmetto thins mucus and congestion. It helps clear the membranes in the throat and airways of phlegm. This herb helps in cases of chronic bronchitis and asthma.
Saw palmetto can have mild side effects such as stomach issues, nausea, diarrhea, bad breath, headache and dizziness. Take with food to lessen the side effects associated with the digestive tract. More serious side effects include fainting, chest pain, uneven heart rate and easy bruising. Saw palmetto can also increase your risk of bleeding. Always inform your care provider what herbal supplements you are taking to avoid drug interactions and complications during surgery. Saw palmetto has hormonal effects so do not take while pregnant or while breastfeeding.