Uses of Cordyceps

Cordyceps translates to "winter bug summer herb" in Chinese. Its use as a medicinal herb dates back at least 700 years in traditional Chinese medicine. Cordyceps is a parasitic fungus that grows on caterpillars in the wild but is cultivated domestically by growing it on wood or grains, such as soybeans. Cordyceps is useful for several medical conditions and as an herb for overall health.
  1. Respiratory Illnesses

    • Cordyceps is beneficial for asthma, chronic and acute bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Sufferers of chronic coughs also might find relief with cordyceps. Cordyceps increases the body's rate of respiration and improves lung function by improving blood circulation. Cordyceps dilates airways in the lungs to oxygenate the blood that delivers oxygen to every cell, so the body utilizes oxygen better, and the lungs function better.


    • Cordyceps can fight cancer by restricting the growth and division of cancer cells. Cordyceps also stimulates the immune system's production of T-cells and macrophages so that the body can mount a stronger defense against the invading cancer cells and eliminate them more quickly. Cordyceps also restores immune function and red blood cells faster following chemotherapy.


    • Cordyceps can help manage cholesterol levels. It boosts the levels of HDL, or "good" cholesterol, while lowering the levels of LDL, or "bad" cholesterol. Cordyceps removes the LDL cholesterol adhering to arterial walls by stimulating macrophages to clear away the blockage.


    • Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, has several causes. Cordyceps can lessen, alleviate or completely stop ringing in the ears for most causes. It is most effective when tinnitus is caused by retention of fluid in the inner ear and least effective when there is damage to or a disease of the auditory nerves.

    Other Uses

    • Cordyceps is helpful for mental clarity and increasing energy. Elderly people can benefit from the use of cordyceps to improve stamina and memory. Cordyceps also can counter male impotence and is useful for women who have lower progesterone levels. Because cordyceps can protect and reverse damage to the liver and kidneys, it is often used to treat hepatitis and renal disease.

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