Alternative Treatments for Uterine Fibroids
Natural Progesterone Cream
Natural progesterone cream is an alternative to synthetic progestin Provera, which is commonly prescribed by doctors to treat fibroids. As its name suggests, the cream contains progesterone, a naturally occurring steroid hormone that is produced by the ovary at ovulation. The use of progesterone cream counters the effect of estrogen in the body, helping to restore the normal hormonal balance in a woman's body. This shrinks uterine fibroids.
Iron Supplemental Therapy
Consider taking iron supplements to treat and prevent iron deficiency anemia, a condition that can result from heavy, fibroid-caused menstrual bleeding. Anemia develops when the body cannot produce red blood cells fast enough to replace the ones that are lost through heavy blood loss. Iron is essential in the manufacture of red blood cells, and iron supplements can help increase iron levels in the blood.
Vitamin C supplements are also recommended to help with the absorption of iron. Fiber intake should also be increased because iron supplements can cause constipation. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber. Drinking at least two to three glasses of water a day will also help relieve constipation.
Plant Oils
Consider using plant oils such as evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil and borage oil to treat fibroids. They are rich in an anti-inflammatory compound called gamma linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is a type of essential fatty acid that dilates the uterine blood vessels, alleviating inflammation and pain associated with fibroids. This also improves blood circulation, which helps shrink fibroids.
Take 2 to 3 Tbsps. of one of these plant oils daily. They are also available in health food stores as capsule supplements. Alternatively, incorporate them into your daily diet, using them to cook or in salad dressing.
Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies are a natural, widely used treatment for fibroids. Some of the herbs that are used to formulate herbal remedies include vitex, red clover, black cohosh, evening primrose oil and wormwood. These remedies have traditionally been prepared in the form of herbal teas, tinctures, compresses and essential oils.