Ground Clove Benefits
Mosquito Repellent
Mosquitoes are an irritating pest and also a potential health hazard. These blood-sucking insects are very small and sometimes hard to see. They also breed prolifically. Usually merely annoying, they can also spread diseases due to the fact that they suck and transmit blood from one victim to another. Good mosquito repellents are important. The oil in ground clove is an excellent mosquito repellent. Mixing ground clove with water and then spreading it on your skin will give you a good natural mosquito repellent that will last for four to five hours.
Anti-Inflammatory Qualities
Inflammation can be a painful and even debilitating condition. Inflammation is caused by many diseases and sometimes simply by over-straining of the body. Ground clove can be an excellent anti-inflammation medicine. Eugenol is the most common ingredient in clove oil. states that animal studies have shown that clove extract brings significant anti-inflammatory benefits. According to the website, ground clove, combined with other anti-inflammatory ingredients, can reduce symptoms of inflammation by another 15 to 30 percent.
Many medical procedures can be painful and would be impossible to endure without the use of an anesthetic. Anesthetics vary in their use and results. Some simply numb pain, while others put a person to sleep. Anesthetics are very important in the dental field, as most dental procedures are performed while the patient is still awake. reports that eugenol, which comes from ground clove, has been used in the United States as an anesthetic during root canals, fillings and to soothe general gum pain. Ground clove has also been used in throat sprays and mouth washes.
As men grow older, it can be harder and harder to be active sexually. Many men experience impotence and cannot experience the joy of sex. There are a wide variety of products available on the market to remedy this situation, Viagra being a famous example. However, reports that ground clove may be an excellent natural aphrodisiac. It has long been used traditionally as an aphrodisiac, but reports about a study that showed "a significant and sustained increase in the sexual activity of normal male rats, without any adverse effects." Since ground clove is safe to consume, and users normally have no ill side effects, integrating ground clove into your diet may help with any sexual dysfunction in your life.
High in Nutrients
Ground clove is high in a wide variety of nutrients and minerals. It is a very good source of manganese. SeekThatHealth Blog reports that ground clove is high in vitamins B6, B9, C and K, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, calcium, natural fats, iron and potassium. All of these vitamins, fats and minerals are essential to your diet. There are many clove supplements available over-the-counter. However, you can simply buy clove, grind it up and include it in a cup of tea or as a baking ingredient.