Natural Remedies for a Yeast Infection on the Skin
According to the National Institutes of Health, diaper rash is the most common skin ailment in infants. Children who begin to eat new foods may exhibit signs of allergies. Yeast-rich foods can cause skin rashes. If you suspect that your child has an allergy to yeast, avoid giving her yeast products or reduce yeast-infection problems by reducing the amount of sugar and refined flour in her diet. Yeast thrives in sugary environments.
Adults can also experience problems from eating sugar and yeast. By cutting out these foods, you can prevent yeast rashes. Refrain from foods such as aged cheeses, raw mushrooms, ham, honey, soy sauce, vinegar, grains, processed foods, breads, pastries and chocolate. Also, limit the amount of alkaline-forming fruits in your diet such as lemons, grapefruit, tomatoes, oranges and limes. Eat a diet full of complex carbohydrates with fiber, protein and vegetables.
The Connecticut Center for Health encourages taking supplements containing the bacteria lactobacillus acidophilus. When acidophilus is consumed, it begins to eat sugars in the body and produce lactic acid. This lactic acid increases the body's pH balance and make it less hospitable for yeast or unhealthy bacteria. Yogurt contains various important strains of acidophilus. It is important to purchase the nonsugar type of yogurt. For a skin rash, take several paper towels and coat them in yogurt. Apply to rash for 20 minutes at a time. Increase the yogurt's soothing properties by putting the towels in the refrigerator for ten minutes prior to application. The acidophilus from the yogurt can soothe inflamed areas and provide relief.
Wild oregano oil contains thymol and carvacrol, which have antifungal properties. Take this oil as a supplement or mix 4 drops with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and apply on the rash. Also, tea tree oil contains antifungal properties that can be used against skin yeast infections. Take 4 drops of 100 percent tea tree oil and mix with 1 tbsp. of honey. Keep on the area for thirty minutes and wash. Pau'd arco tea contains antifungal agents. Brew 2 cups of water and 2 tbsp. of tea and drink every day that the yeast rashis present. Purchase Kolorex from a health food store. This herbal formula has polygodial, which can be effective for curing yeast infections. Try out different alternative methods for your yeast rash and be sure to keep the area clean and dry.